“Too little money for maintenance of regional roads in West Flanders”

“Too little money for maintenance of regional roads in West Flanders”

Figures he requested from the Minister of Mobility and Public Works, Lydia Peeters, show that our province has received 1/3rd less budget than the Flemish average over the past four years.

Bart Dochy mentions the N303 in Zonnebeke as one of the West Flemish regional roads that urgently needs structural maintenance to increase road safety. But that requires more budget. West Flanders has been receiving much less than the rest of Flanders for years. Bart Dochy, Flemish MP CD&V: “That is indeed an objective fact. We note that the amount per kilometer provided from Flanders for structural maintenance is approximately 1/3 of the Flemish average. We see that in practice many regional roads need maintenance, and we notice that there are too few resources for this.”

The total maintenance budget per kilometer of regional and motorway in West Flanders amounted to 28,000 euros in the past four years. The Flemish average is almost 86,000 euros. “It is true that the roads in West Flanders may be used a little less intensively, but that is only a partial explanation for the big difference. That difference is disproportionate. Too little money is spent on the maintenance of the regional roads in West Flanders. Flanders. We note that this is becoming structural, and that is why a solution must be found.”
