Too late! RBB broadcasting council rejects application from Vernau

By Michael Sauerbier

She cleaned out the RBB after the Protz and Raff scandal – and would have liked to continue. But the Broadcasting Council did not allow Katrin Vernau (50) to be elected director. She gambled away with her late application.

The application period for the chief post at RBB ended on April 30th. After deducting numerous fun applicants, only four candidates remained. On Thursday evening they should introduce themselves to the 30-strong Broadcasting Council, which will elect the new director next Friday.

But suddenly, Broadcasting Councilor Regine Auster (nature conservation associations) suggested Katrin Vernau as the fifth candidate: “We need a top person. What she has done here…!”

The majority of the RBB broadcasting council voted against Vernau's subsequent candidacy – and looked at four other applicants

The majority of the RBB broadcasting council voted against Vernau’s subsequent candidacy – and looked at four other applicants Photo: Fabian Sommer/dpa

Vernau then explained why she hadn’t applied yet: “I didn’t want to place myself in a candidate ranking. My application is the work done in the last eight months. I have repeatedly stated my willingness.”

Broadcasting councilor Christian Goiny (CDU) protested: “That would be Vernau’s second choice without a tender!” Antje Kapek (Greens) warned: “That might bring us complaints from competitors.” Her SPD colleague Erik Stohn: “If Ms. Vernau still has her If you can submit an application, then everyone else can do it too!

“We vote,” decided Council chief Oliver Bürgel. Vernau was sent out of the hall. 20 minutes later the end for Vernau. Bürgel: “The application for admission to the election was rejected by a majority.” Means: After the appointment of the new director, Vernau has to go back to her post as WDR administrative director.

Consolation: Vernau earns 248,000 euros per year in Cologne. The new RBB boss should only collect 180,000 to 230,000 euros, said Benjamin Ehlers, head of the board of directors. It would be the cheapest director of the ARD. Nevertheless, the four applicants presented themselves in the evening.

Two have not had a permanent job for a long time, two come from the ARD. The most promising applicant Jan Weyrauch had initially rejected because of the cheap wages. The choice will be exciting.
