Tonight on tv Red, a fun action with Bruce Willis

D.fter the news of the aphasia of Bruce Willis you want to see him again in shape and above all in action. Tonight on Italia 1 (at 21.20) we have the opportunity to enjoy the beloved actor in Red (acronym for Retired Extremely Dangerous, meaning unleashed retirees), a film fun and action which sees among the other protagonists of the number one as John Malcovich, Helen MirrenAnd Morgan Freeman.

We are not around Die Hard. Or rather: if glthe ingredients action and ironic there is no lack of protagonism, machismo, humor and the stubborn character of a character who made history as John McLaine. However, the fun is guaranteed with a group of top actors.

Bruce Willis, the best movies of Hollywood tough guy who had to say goodbye to the set

Red: the plot

Frank Moses (Bruce Willis) is a former CIA agent who leads a quiet life and has a telephone-only relationship with Sarah (Mary-Louise Parker). One day someone tries to eliminate him. At that point, with his friend, he decides to join his old boss Joe (Morgan Freeman), thanks to which he will discover that it is the Intelligence that has put the killer Cooper (Karl Urban).

At that point together they create a team of retired agents to understand what is happening. In New York Moses & Co. join former friends and colleagues Marvin (John Malkovich) And Gabriel (James Remar). Then the group will also join Victoria Winslowplayed by a amazing Helen Mirren, absolutely believable with gun in hand. Research will lead them to the arms dealer Dunning (Richard Dreyfuss), but in the meantime Sarah is captured. A plan has to be devised to save her.

Irony and action, the perfect combination for Bruce Willis

Red (aka Extremely Destructive Veterans) by Robert Schwentke, taken from DC comic written by Warren Ellis and illustrated by Cully Hammer, it’s a blast. Lightness, irony, action, fist fights, shootings, hilarious jokes and irresistible scenes are the ingredients of one of Bruce Willis’ most successful films in recent years. In fact, the film has a sequel.

Let’s not forget the nomination ai Golden Globes how best comedy, which says a lot about the quality of the film. Not to mention the team of actors and characters in perfect harmony. Helen Mirren, aka Lady Victoriain action complete with a pistol or sniper rifle is memorablenot to mention the insane Marvin, a paranoid who has like best friend a plush pig which hides a weapon of a certain weight.

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The withdrawal of the Razzie Award to Bruce Willis

red tonight italy 1 bruce willis helen mirren

Bruce Willis and Helen Mirren at the premiere of “Red”. (Getty Images)

The news of Bruce Willis aphasia, which prevents the actor from continuing to act has shocked everyone, fans and insiders alike. Last but not least the organizers of the Razzies Awardthe prize awarded to the worst performers and films of the yearwho have decided to withdraw the Golden Raspberry Award awarded in 2021 to Willis (the actor played the role of James Ford in science fiction film Cosmic Sin): un another certificate of esteem and solidarity among the many dedicated to Bruce Willis these days.

