Tonight on TV: Flikken Rotterdam and The time of our lives | show

Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders: making the team

The Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders are more famous than the American football team they cheer for and every cheerleader wants to be a part of this squad. But only the most beautiful and the best dancers are allowed in and that creates a lot of drama.

Manhunt: Deadly Games – Season 2 kicks off

Crime series manhunt each season deals with a true act of terror. Deadly games revolves around Richard Jewell. During the 1996 Olympics in Atlanta, he finds a rod bomb. Jewell has the area evacuated, but when the bomb goes off, countless people are injured. It could have been much worse and he is seen as a hero, but then doubts arise about his story and he becomes the prime suspect.

An image from the series Manhunt: Deadly Games. © Discovery Channel

Cops Rotterdam

Carolien (Anneke Sluiters) is new to the team and is immediately thrown into the deep end. Together with Dries she ends up in a war between two street gangs. The situation seems to spiral out of control when an MMA fighter disappears without a trace. In addition, her financial background comes in handy when the team is on the trail of a corrupt notary. Read more about the sixth season here.

An image from the sixth season of Flikken Rotterdam with Ortál Vriend and Cees Geel.

An image from the sixth season of Flikken Rotterdam with Ortál Vriend and Cees Geel. © AVROTROS

The time of our lives – first episode

Rutger Castricum and Chatilla van Grinsven have zero experience with cycling, but that doesn’t stop them from wanting to participate in the World Time Trial Championship. With four months to prepare for the race and to achieve their goal, the two put their family lives on the back burner and train themselves to death with the help of cycling experts.

Rutger Castricum and Chatilla van Grinsven in the series The time of our lives.

Rutger Castricum and Chatilla van Grinsven in the series The time of our lives. © PowNed

In August 2021, the Taliban again seized power in Afghanistan, while a long war was being waged to make the country democratic. How could this go so wrong? In Leaving Afghanistan the protagonists speak. Top executives in the US government tell what went on behind the scenes and members of the Taliban share how they plotted the demise of democracy.
