Toni Piispasen got a World Cup medal again

Finland received its fourth medal at the World Para Athletics Championships in Paris.

Toni Piispanen achieved his 21st prestigious medal of his career. PDO

At the World Para Athletics Championships in Paris, Toni Piispanen brought Finland the second World Cup medal of the Games in the T51 category in the 100-meter track medley. The time of 20.56, a multiple medalist’s time, was enough for bronze this time.

At the same time, the Finn secured himself a place in next year’s Paralympics.

Belgium took a double victory in the sport. The golden favorite who won with a time of 19.79 Peter Genyn was a countryman Roger Habsch a tenth of a second better.

The top three of the race completely stood out from the rest of the group. Algeria came fourth Mohamed Berrahal crossed the finish line two seconds after Piispanen. Piispanen has now won 21 prestigious medals in his handsome career. In the 2019 World Championships in Dubai, Piispanen was first in the 100 meters.

And the man’s hunger will certainly not be quenched by this. Piispanen will still compete in France in the 200 meters, for which he won Paralympic gold in 2021.

– I believe that I can challenge harder when the distance is more suitable for me, Piispanen told Yle in an interview.

The Finnish team may also celebrate another World Cup medal on Sunday evening. Chair shot putter Teijo Köpikkä holding onto the silver spot while a few more competitors wait their turn.

Leo-Pekka Tähti previously achieved silver in the T54 class 100m race and Marjaana Heikkinen F34 class javelin bronze. Amanda Kotaja won the track winding world championship in the T54 class with a hundred.

Teijo Kööpikkä presents the chair ball push.
