Toni Laakso withdraws from the fields for the time being: “charging for the treatment period”

IPV supports Laakso’s decision.

Toni Laakso has also represented Symkamo Jymy. The man signed a two-year contract with IPV in the fall. Petri Saarelainen / AOP

Imatran Pallo-Veikot (IPV), who opened the men’s super nest season in Fuengirola in April, announced that Toni Laakso is on the sidelines from the fields so far.

In the press release, Laakso says that he will be recharging for the treatment period starting on Friday.

– In general, my gambling problem has been going on for too long, and there have been other addictions from time to time. Mistakes have been made, but it is better to get help before making the last mistake. I am now on the sidelines for an indefinite period of time, Laakso says in a press release.

Laakso talked about his gambling addiction and other topics in an interview with Iltalehti in 2019.

– I am going with an open mind and seriousness to do things one day at a time so that the biggest goal of my life will come true, that is, I will come back stronger than ever, Laakso says now.

According to the press release, Imatra’s Pallo-Veikot supports Laakso’s decision.

– Now it’s time to put the man in order! See you in the fields later this summer!

Laakso was bred by IPV and made his debut at Superpesis at the age of 15 in the club’s shirt.

IPV and the Sotkamo group opened the Super Season in Fuengirola, Spain at the end of April. Sotkamo won the match 1–0 (3–1, 1–1).

In fact, the season will start next week.
