Tomorrow’s program at the Olympics | Medal chances for Krol, Verbij and Otterspeer at 1000 meters | Winter Games | February 4 – 20

The Netherlands has good chances of winning medals on Friday, the penultimate day of the Olympic skating tournament. In the 1000 meters for men, Thomas Krol and Kai Verbij, both competing for Jumbo-Visma, are among the title candidates.

Hein Otterspeer is the third Dutch participant. Title holder Kjeld Nuis is missing. He grabbed at the Olympic qualifying tournament in addition to a ticket at this distance.

Krol is the first on the ice in Beijing, in stage thirteen against the Norwegian Havard Lorentzen. Otterspeer immediately drives against the Chinese Zhongyan Ning. Reigning world champion Verbij takes on the world champion in the 500 meters, Canadian Laurent Dubreuil, in the final stage.

The 1000 meters starts at 09.30 Dutch time.

Besides the three long track skaters, no athletes from TeamNL will take action on Friday. In the final weekend of the Games, only the mass start on the long track (women and men) and bobsleigh (four-man bob) are still on the program for the Netherlands.

Kai Verbij congratulates Thomas Krol. © Pim Ras Photography

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