Tomorrow the petrol price will be an absolute record: 2.155 euros per liter

The price for petrol 98 (E5) is not longer than that, but the average storage price is -0.8 cents to 2.394 euros per liter. LPG daalt eveneens in prijs, met 3.4 cents tot 0.769 euros per liter.

Stookolie stijgt wel opnieuw, eveneens naar a new record. If you order more than 2,000 liters it will cost 3.08 cents up to a maximum of 1.4516 euros per liter.

The prices are due to the following from the Schommelingen van de Noteringen van olieproducten en biocomponenten op de international markets, het.

Lees ok:

When planning the ambition, the practice: the electricity of one’s wagon park is exposed to the problem of dried dirt.
