Tommy Lee strips down and uploads nude pic to Instagram

As everyone knows, the Internet offers a range of the bizarre. You can find radical swaggerers, narcissistic influencers – or the genitals of the drummer of Mötley Crüe. Namely, Tommy Lee uploaded a nude photo to Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. The picture can only be seen on Twitter, but as we all know, the internet never forgets.

Lee appears to be in the bathroom in the picture. The drummer is completely naked, adorned only with a necklace. Apparently the perfect time for him to upload a nude photo. “Ooooopppsss,” he wrote self-deprecatingly about his post. His wife Britanny Furlan certainly didn’t seem to have been in the know, commenting: “Oh my god”. Here is a censored version.

After about four hours, the picture was deleted on Facebook and Instagram. Whether Meta is behind it or Tommy Lee himself is unclear. But the biggest question online was: “Why, Tommy?”. The Twitter users first had to process the story emotionally.

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