Tommi Korpela to Anna magazine about the turning point in his career

Actor Tommi Korpela says that the role of Anna in the film Miehen työ has brought him many great job offers.

Tommi Korpela also talks about his relationship with Elina Knihtilä in the magazine. INKA SOVERI

Actor Tommi Korpela, 54, states in a recent Anna magazine that acting has been a path towards better self-esteem for him. Korpela says that he has always felt “bumpy” because of his body structure and appearance.

Korpela compares herself to Miina Äkkijyrkä’s cow sculptures because of her long limbs. He says he is 191 centimeters tall and was troubled by acne when he was young.

In 2008, Korpela’s appearance was noticed in a special way Man’s work – after the film role. He was awarded for that role with the best male lead Jussi statue. Korpela says that he got “many interesting jobs” after the role

– On the other hand, the role also gave birth to embarrassing publicity, because unexpectedly I was evaluated based on my appearance. It was very contradictory and confusing. First I was told for 20 years that I was the wrong type and then suddenly I was a gigolo at Itäkeskus, Korpela states in the magazine.

Tommi Korpela in 2010. STEEP VESA

Today, according to Korpela, it doesn’t matter anymore, but when I was young it felt special.

– Nowadays I am at peace with my appearance, humor softens and age inevitably does its job. I feel that I’m pretty much my age, over fifty, the actor tells the magazine.

– I’m not at the end of my life cycle, but I’m not quite fresh either, as the young people say, he continues.

Korpela also reviews health in the magazine. There are no major health problems, but he says that he has some problems with his back.

– I have a pilates-type stretching program, and I also try to go to the gym. My back can’t take any kind of running anymore, but I cycle and walk and in the winter I ski if there are trails.

Korpela says that he has no major health problems. Mikko Huisko

Source: Give it
