‘Tom Egbers no longer welcome, editors are done with it’

Luuk Ikink has understood from a number of NOS Sport editorial staff that they do not even want Tom Egbers back there. “They would actually be disappointed about that.”


Tom Egbers has been inactive as presenter of NOS Sport for quite some time now, due to a tricky affair he started seventeen years ago with an intern 26 years his junior. When the romance ended, he allegedly started bullying and intimidating her. And now he’s been sitting on the couch unemployed for almost a year…

Mastodon Tom

Even if the NOS top were open to his rehabilitation, they would not be looking forward to it at all on the work floor, says Luuk Ikink at the desk of RTL Boulevard. “I have spoken to a number of people who work at the NOS sports editorial team and they are not really looking forward to the return of Tom Egbers at all.”

Why? “It is of course a masterpiece of the past and they are now slowly working there with a new wind that should be blowing there. They have a new editorial staff there and have also appointed new people in all kinds of places, including presentation places.”

Never one complaint

Those NOS people are tired of the culture that Tom was part of, according to Luuk. “Many people who work there have also complained about the old guard and not one complaint has ever been written down, they also say. They would actually be disappointed, you hear from many quarters, if he were to return to that place.”

He continues: “They’re not saying he can never work again, but maybe just not on that floor anymore, because they’re just the whole situation that’s going on now, the fact that it’s only about that affair and not about all the other complaints that have been made over the past twenty years… They are just a bit fed up.”

At the table at VI

According to Rob Goossens, it could well be that Tom eventually ends up at Omroep MAX, which is considered the shelter for pathetic TV hedgehogs in Hilversum. If not, he can always contact Today Inside.

Johan Derksen in the broadcast from yesterday: “If I were Tom, if they still wanted him for the year and a half he has to retire, I would say: ‘Work it out, I’m going to sit here at the table with those guys! Then I can say whatever I want!’”
