“Tom Egbers did not want to sit at the table with types like me”

Patty Brard was the table lady at Khalid & Sophie the day before yesterday, but was put back into the audience after the first item because Tom Egbers came to the table. “He wanted to sit at the table without others.”


Tom Egbers decided on Friday evening, according to Patty Brard against the advice of his lawyer, at the very last minute to make a TV appearance at Khalid & Sophie. “I was also a guest there and I just know that it was not reported to us until about five o’clock that Tom Egbers would come,” says the television diva in Show news.

Patty in row one

The arrival of Tom changed the entire broadcast. “As a result, the music was canceled and Eric Corton and I actually sat at the table for bacon and beans as a ‘duo on duty’. We were immediately moved to row one because Tom just wanted to talk to Khalid one-on-one.”

Too bad, says Patty. “Of course he didn’t want to be interrupted by types like me. As a woman, I would have liked to ask something different.”

Very sorry

Patty did come into the picture a few times, while she looked very doubtful. It made Frank Dane curious, he says RTL Boulevard. “I was sorry that Patty was not at the table. You also saw him from the stands in the dark and he almost wanted to jump at that table.”

What was Patty thinking as she sat there? She explains: “The balance was a bit off, because in the end it is about bullying and his wife’s role with Mores, while three-quarters of the conversation was about the cheating that we have nothing to do with.”

Bit ‘lost’

It seems that there was little preparation for the interview, says Patty. “Otherwise we wouldn’t even have been booked, I think, for that day, and he would have just made a full evening program out of it.”

How did Tom behave behind the scenes? “He was really a bit ‘lost’. Suddenly I looked around and he was gone. He came in after the first call and then he was gone.”
