Tom Cruise: “I’ll still be making ‘Mission: Impossible’ at 80”

The Hollywood star takes Harrison Ford and his famous India Jones role as a role model.

This summer, Mission: Impossible – Dead Reckoning Part 1, the seventh part of the action series, will be released in cinemas. And leading actor Tom Cruise doesn’t seem to be planning to quit the franchise just yet. If it were up to him, he would still play the role of daring agent Ethan Hunt at the age of 80.

Tom Cruise like Harrison Ford still in “old age” as an action star?

Cruise, who just turned 61 on July 3, is currently on a major promotional tour for the latest blockbuster in the Mission: Impossible franchise. The actor revealed to Australia’s The Sydney Herald that he has no plans to leave the action genre for a long time. As a role model, he takes Harrison Ford, who at the age of 80 slipped into the iconic role of Indiana Jones in “The Wheel of Destiny” for the fifth time.

“Harrison Ford is a legend; I hope I can keep it up,” Cruise gushed of the former Star Wars actor. “I still have 20 years to catch up with him. I hope I can still do Mission: Impossible movies when I’m his age.”

The two Hollywood greats already have one thing in common: their tendency to injure themselves during action scenes. Tom Cruise is known for still doing most of his stunts himself. In Fallout, the previous installment in the M:I series, Cruise broke his ankle while jumping from one rooftop to another during filming. Harrison Ford also sustained an injury on the fifth “Indy” film. Filming would have to be interrupted for a while because Ford injured his shoulder during a stunt.

A sound recording from the set of “Dead Reckoning Part 1” showed how serious Tom Cruise is about the “M:I” franchise. During filming in 2020, he yelled at some crew members because they allegedly did not comply with the Corona requirements.

“Mission: Impossible – Dead Reckoning Part 1” will be released in German cinemas on July 12. In addition to Tom Cruise, Rebecca Ferguson (“Dune”), Hayley Atwell (“Captain America”) and Simon Pegg (“Shaun of the Dead”) in the action film.

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