Tom and Laura, de oogappels van Koningin-Gemalin Camilla: “Onze moeder is behoorlijk ruimdendend” | royalty

royaltyNow Camilla Parker Bowles (75) when three mothers are king-gemalin, ze stylen hair stamp begins to print on the Britse hof. So, because of the tradition of the court ladies, they ask for the hair of their best vriendinnen. The neither helps van king Charles (74) hoopt het kingshuis zo a modern imago te geven. If any other decision is made, Camilla will have two children with two children – Tom (47) and Laura (44) – with how the first band heed. A portrait of the oogappels of the queen-wife, who took care of the hair in ‘t verleden ook af en toe kopzorgen. “Wij zijn de gewone children who hang een beetje aan de zijkant.”

Bram De Brabander

29-11-22, 11:00
