Toddler (almost 2 years) critical in accident with regular bus in Tielt

Toddler (almost 2 years) critical in accident with regular bus in Tielt

The accident happened around 9.40 am near the Rameplein in Tielt. “A De Lijn bus drove into Kortrijkstraat and turned right via Ramestraat onto Rameplein,” said the spokesman for the public prosecutor’s office in Bruges.

“Not noticed”

“The driver had not noticed that a grandmother with her granddaughter was crossing the Rameplein on the zebra crossing. The girl, almost two years old, was taken to hospital with life-threatening injuries. Her grandmother (58) suffered minor injuries. It concerns people from Ardooie,” says the public prosecutor.

The public prosecutor has not appointed an expert, because the circumstances are clear on the basis of a witness statement.
