Today, the movie that sent Samuli Edelmann to the hospital will be shown on TV: “I think it was due to the booze”

The hit movie Häjyt is shown today on the MTV Sub channel.

The film’s main roles are played by Juha Veijonen and Samuli Edelmann. PDO

A hit movie released in 1999 Distractions will be shown today, June 5, on the MTV Sub channel at 21:00. Juha Veijonen and the movie starring Samuli Edelmann attracted more than 330,000 visitors to cinemas.

Veijonen and Edelmann revealed in 2019 in Veijonen’s biography Actor Juha Veijostahow the film role pushed Edelmann to the limit.

– I gained weight for the role by gorging on pizzas, hamburgers, cream and tentacles for a week. For several months, that mass had to be collected, and it was guaranteed to be easier to collect than to remove, Edelmann recalled in the book.

The drinking, which started even before the shooting of the film, got out of hand. Even in the convertible scene seen in the film, a substitute actor had to be used because of Edelmann’s situation.

– In one scene, there is a body stunt in Samuli’s place, after Samuli had to be hospitalized due to dehydration and too long shooting days. Or was it because of too much alcohol? I guess it was the booze. Samuli was taken to the hospital, where he was put on tubes and in a bed. After waking up from the seizure, the nurse had asked Sampa “do you feel bad now?”, Veijonen said in the book.

In the book, Edelmann described his alcohol problem as gray and black, as well as lonely and sad. Drinking did not bring him joy.

Edelmann said in 2019 At Loirinuorio– program, that he has been sober for twenty years. He feels that giving up alcohol had a very positive effect on his quality of life and mental health. Edelmann specified in his biography Samuli – From darkness to lightthat the final sobriety happened when he was 32 years old.

Samuli Edelmann arrived at the Kultainen Venla gala without an invitation in 2019.
