“Today is a holiday for every fan!”

After just one year, Marco Rose’s commitment as head coach of Borussia Dortmund has already ended. The fans of his former club Borussia Mönchengladbach, of all people, scorn and spot the dismissed BVB coach.

“Other clubs are usually only of secondary interest to us, especially if they are very close to the Geißbockclub on the scale of sympathy. What counts is the well-being of the only true Borussia vom Niederrhein. But when you hear the message from this strange club a few minutes ago from Lüdenscheid, there is probably no Borussia man who has not been conjured up a smile: BVB and Marco Rose are parting ways with immediate effect,” says a statement on the website of the Gladbach fan project, which has over 6,500 members one of the largest fan representations in Germany.

A year after Rose “disgracefully and shamefully” abandoned the foal elf, “his new life project also failed,” the comment says smugly. “Not much is left of his hubris from last year and the desire to win the title with BVB, apart from a formerly pious wish and another ex-employer. That fills us with a certain malicious joy and satisfaction. No, let’s be honest: today is a holiday for every fan of our Borussia!”

Marco Rose’s dismissal at BVB “a form of satisfaction”

Many former players and coaches are “welcome guests” in Gladbach, but it’s “fundamentally different” with Rose, wrote the supporters of the tenth place in the Bundesliga last season.

“Marco Rose had deceived us. He had disappointed us. He decided on his own career and against the joint project previously believed by thousands. He simply promised too much and delivered too little. And he also significantly initiated the crisis that sent us into a difficult year and a half and whose shards we are still laboriously sweeping up today,” they say.

It is “basically not a good trait to be malicious,” but the dismissal of the 45-year-old is “a form of satisfaction, in connection with which one often reads the word ‘karma’. Today we allow ourselves this feeling for a moment. Man can also call it a deep and longed-for justice.”
