Today Inside also dumps tickets on the auction site

After the hassle with André Hazes Jr. who could not fill the Ahoy without the help of VakantieVeilingen, we see that the men of Today Inside are now having difficulty filling the Ziggo Dome.

© SBS 6

After all corona measures were abolished, there was no stopping it for a while, but now people seem to be a bit tired of events. Nobody wanted to go to André Hazes Jr.’s Ahoy party unless they could go for 5 euros via VakantieVeilingen, and now the Ziggo evening of Today Inside is also on that auction site.

VI follows Hazes

For next to nothing you can buy tickets for Today Inside Live, which will take place next Sunday in the Amsterdam concert hall. And while the regular sales channels are still open, where you can buy tickets for 75 euros each. “A third of the room is still available,” says media expert Victor Vlam The Communicados.

And that is why the auction site was used. “That’s a very bad sign. André Hazes also did it for his concert in Ahoy. This indicates that they cannot easily get rid of those tickets and that they are actually selling those tickets at a very heavily reduced rate in order to have a somewhat full hall.”


Victor understands that VI is putting the tickets on sale. “Because yes, it would be even more annoying if a third of the room was indeed empty. Of course, that always seems a bit embarrassing. But that’s a shame for the people who paid full price, because at VakantieVeilingen you can buy tickets for 10 euros.”

This is much more expensive through the official sales channel. “Tickets there cost up to 100 or 150 euros. So it is a very good deal, but bad for the people who paid the full price.”

Too expensive

According to Victor, the regular prices are much too high. “For example, for tickets of 70 or 75 euros you are still almost at the back. Not quite at the back, but almost at the back and apparently a lot of people think that is too much money. For two people that is 150 euros. Then you still have to go to the Ziggo Dome.”

Depending on where you live, this can easily cost 30 euros, he continues. “You have parking costs. You also have to eat something during that show. Refreshments in the Ziggo Dome. We have also been there before and they are quite pricey, so it could easily cost 20 euros. You might want to eat something before the program.”

250 euros

All in all, the two of you can easily spend 250 euros for an evening at VI, Victor calculates. And that is too expensive for the target group, he thinks. “A lot of people with an average income and I think this is really a lot of money. To be completely honest, I think the tickets are just way too expensive. It strikes me as one cash grab.”

Co-host Lars Duursma: “Yes, I don’t really understand why if you just want to attend a normal broadcast, then it is just free. Yes, and it is probably more fun than a show recorded in the Ziggo Dome about three weeks in advance. So why would you give so much money for that?”

Today Inside Live will be broadcast three weeks later on SBS 6’s New Year’s Eve.
