to the rescue of democracy

As has been the custom for two decades, the Progressive Summer University of Catalonia brought together in a colloquium representatives of leftist parties with parliamentary representation. That the act coincided this time with the first day of the campaign of a legislative election that can open the government door to the extreme right It gave the thing a particular interest and also a certain drama that the organization wanted to underline by baptizing the talk with the heroic title of ‘Les esquerres al rescate de la democràcia’.

Those in charge of saving democracy by hitting the thread at the CCOO headquarters in Barcelona were Ferran Pedret (PSC), Pilar Vallugera (CKD), Gerardo Pisarello (Commons) and mireia vehí (CUP). And the least that can be said about them is that, at least for a while, they balanced on a dental floss so as not to engage in hurtful disqualifications that could make an audience uncomfortable that from the outset made it clear that their role in the play consisted of in pushing for a certain strategic unity of the left against the ultra threat.

picking at the wounds

It happens that, like the scorpion in the fable, the politician in the campaign is due to his nature. So that when we had spent almost an hour of mutual praise, more or less coincident diagnoses and fundamental discrepancies exposed in a highly civilized way, the debate began to heat up and the speakers gave in to the human temptation to delve into the wounds. As was foreseeable, Pedret, that calm deputy who has spent years teaching us that Mao collar shirts are compatible with social democracy, was the one who received the most attacks, especially from Vehí, who brought up the PSOE’s alignment with the right in matters like the application of 155 and the shielding of the monarchy. Vallugera and Pisarello also had a heated ‘tête à tête’, which reached the boiling point when the deputy of the Comuns accused Gabriel Ruffian of being “Che Guevara in Madrid and Tony Blair in Catalonia& rdquor ;.

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Faced with the increasing unease of the attendees, the journalist Neus Tomasin her role as moderator, applied herself to temper the exchange of blows and return the colloquium to a more peaceful channel by reformulating the question that she had planned on the room from minute one: what will the parties represented at the table do if they Your votes depend on whether or not there is a government of PP and Vox?

Socialists and Comuns said they were clear (Pedret flatly ruled out the hypothesis of a PSOE abstention in an eventual investiture of Núñez Feijóo to exonerate him from the Vox company). And republicans and ‘cupaires’ they talked about price (without specifying too much), but they implied that neither by action nor by omission will they facilitate a victory of the reactionary front. To finish the act, all agreed on the need to mobilize the voters of their respective spaces given the urgency of the situation. Violin music and relieved faces among those present, who were able to return home with the satisfaction of having saved democracy for another day. Until the next attack.
