To save gas! Economic boss calls for an outdoor pool

The Columbiabad (Berlin-Neukölln) is currently not heated due to the high temperatures, otherwise it is done with gas

The Columbiabad (Berlin-Neukölln) is currently not heated due to the high temperatures, otherwise it is done with gas
Photo: Sven Meissner

From Hildburg Bruns

For water lovers, it feels like a belly flop.

In order to save gas, IHK general manager Jan Eder (59) calls for more savings considerations.

His idea, which is not at all cool: “For example, you should actually close the swimming pools to save gas.”

In the “Inforadio” Eder said: “I expect a much harder time.” Currently, only 40 percent of the actual gas capacity flows through the Baltic Sea pipeline from Russia.

The Federal Network Agency determines the ranking of those affected by this crisis. Their boss Klaus Müller (51) had already announced in mid-May: “If there is an emergency, it makes sense to intervene first in the leisure sector before we reduce or shut down industrial companies, which are responsible for many jobs and important products.”

Jan Eder (59), IHK General Manager

Jan Eder (59), IHK General Manager Photo: picture alliance/dpa/XAMAX

IHK General Manager Eder is demanding a concept from the Senate that supports Berlin’s industry. “We will probably have to think about short-time work concepts again.”


Saving energy outdoor swimming pool gas Chamber of Industry and Commerce
