To launch from the stars: a girl and her anxiety, to be won

P.withdrawing the World Mental Health Day (set for next October 10), is available on Netflix To launch from the stars, Italian film signed by Andrea Jublin and focused on anxiety disorders of the young woman Sun Santoro (Federica Torchetti). Young heroine who lives in a constant state of panic and fear – an alert condition that nullifies every approach and every action, from the most banal to the most sophisticated.

What is it about To launch from the stars

Sole is an attractive and lively young woman; she lives with her parents near the sea, in Conversano, in Puglia. A wonderful location in which everybody knows each other and they take care of each other. Yet, to Sole this reality is tight: she feels criticized because she is twenty-five years old she is neither married nor has children. In reality, not even the peers, all of them off-site students. Instead, she has dropped out of university and is looking for a job.

He would do anything to get out of the village and enjoy a little independence and life in the big city. But exactly anxiety gives her no respite, and choosing to act is hard work. Until her friend’s brother Emmaalas dead friend, does not give her a letter that she had in her sister’s custody.

The content encourages her to finally set goals. Thus began a slow ascent for Sole, made up of small conquests: learn to ride a bicycle, find a job, show their drawings to others; a life without obstacles, as a mature person.

Cristiano Caccamo (Danio) and Federica Torchetti (Sole). (Netflix)

The actors and authors

Perhaps to make the condition of the Sun even more excruciating, Andrea Jublin and Alice Urciuolo – screenwriter of Skam Italy And Prism – have moved the Molise set of the book to the city of Apulia, more holiday-maker. A hell of sunshine that the girl cannot exploit, and that he deals with talking directly into the room like heroin Amélie. Grace model also vestiaro: Federica Torchetti (seen in The Catholic Church) is in fact the heroine of a coming of age in which she wears pastel colors and floral patterns.

In the role of her outgoing and enterprising friend, Miriam, she is there Celeste Savino (Studio Battaglia). Cristiano Caccamo (Under the Riccione sun) plays Danio, new friend and love interest, while Lorenzo Richelmy, old acquaintance of Netflix from the time of historical drama Marco Polo, plays Massimo’s brother of Emma and the protagonist’s first love. Emma instead has the face of Nicoletta Di Bisceglie (God help us); it is only seen in flashbacks destined to reconstruct the trauma that two years earlier upset the life of Sole.

A family story

Rather than try something it is better to give up, this is the creed of the Sun. This is also what many young people believe throughout their adolescence. Having reached the age of twenty-five – the age in which she should have resolved her impasses – she still lives in limbo, in a muted reality, also thanks to her family environment.

Nicoletta Di Bisceglie and Federica Torchetti. (Netflix)

Everyone protects her, everyone cuddles her, but no one encourages her to shake off her fears. The return of Miriam, who is studying in Rome, and of Massimo, who had moved to Milan, changes everything. From that moment, surrounded by friends who want the best for her, the girl begins to blossom. To the point of risking a lot.

The choice to no longer collect the hair with an elastic, but to wear it in a more flirtatious way, it is the most immediate manifestation of his emancipationof his path for realize that no one owes her anything. Not even her friend Emma, ​​who had dared to “abandon her” to go and live in Paris with her partner. In the end To launch from the stars it is a story between comedy and drama like many others, but from which one can draw more than one inspiration.

