TN’s bet: from news to entertainment with Naza Di Serio

The news signal Clarin Group turns its classic weekend programming upside down, changes the news for a production focused on the entertainment.

And to carry out this new project, TN bet on a young face that has already tried itself during the summer in driving: Nazarene Di Seriothe weather girl whose career is growing by leaps and bounds.

say serious became known on the channel reporting the weather forecast, and then opened up to being one of the faces of TN in social networkswhich created its own space in that area.

But her charisma led her to continue climbing and, after having had the opportunity to replace Dario Barassi in driving “100 Argentines say”will now be the face of a new segment of entertainment in TN.

say serious will be accompanied by the historian charlie lopez (known for telling the plot behind the words in the sign), and Silvina Stabielliwho usually has a space on expressions, grammar and spelling.

The program that the young woman will face joins another that was the one that opened the door to entertainment on the signal, and that during the pandemic ended up becoming a success story: “The party of the passa moment that was born as the pass between the midnight news and “Re Awake”space led by Guido Martinez and Fer Molinero.

They, along with Eleonora Pérez Caressi (the “Beba”) achieved a relaxed moment in which Franco Mercuriali and his team joined in the laughter and games in a relaxed plan.

The formula was so good that it generated a moment of its own with a DJ, live music, games, guests and audience participation from their homes by zoom, contributing from cotillion to costumes.

Now, the news channel returns to betting on entertainment on weekends with the 29-year-old who was a reseller of cosmetic products, graduated as an announcer, had the opportunity to start working in TNand it does not stop showing a promising future thanks to his charisma.

and what for TN they mean a bet on other types of content that they renew the screen, given the saturation of the news, something that is also reflected in the open screen, where entertainment and reality shows gain space compared to the scenario of a few years ago when news programs were the most watched.

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