Titian and the image of women in the Venetian sixteenth century: the exhibition is in Milan

T.and the image of the woman in the Venetian sixteenth century through the paintings of the Venetian master and his famous “colleagues” (Veronese, Tintoretto, Giorgione, Palma il Vecchio …) it brings out the role and consideration of women in the culture and art of the sixteenth century.

Titian and workshop, “Danae” (post 1554).

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On display 47 paintings – 16 by Titian -, sculptures, jewels, books and graphics. A multifaceted gallery of portraits of women belonging to different social classesgrouped into 9 sections: from Beautiful Venetian at Heroines and saintsfrom Venus and the loves of the gods to Women of letters and poets.
INFO: Milan, Palazzo Reale, until 5 June.

