TIS: The behavior of reserved men infuriates single women: “There was quite a bit of drama”

Temptation Island At the last party in Finland, Nico and Elmer’s speeches made the single women furious.

Nico and Elmer pissed off the single ladies with their talk. Teemu Laitinen

Temptation Island in Finland is the turn of the last parties. At New Year’s themed parties Nico and Elmer become presenters, but the duo’s provocative speeches are not to the liking of single women.

– We asked a few tough questions and threw a punch, so Annika took it very seriously, Elmer states.

Elmer tells during the evening Neither does Annika discouraging jokes and claims that Annika lied about several things. Annika does not swallow this but throws her drink on the ground and leaves the place.

Elmer and Nico planned events with Sami Kuronen. Teemu Laitinen

Inkku, who has become close with Nico, also becomes the target of nasty accusations, and soon the whole group of single women shouts at reserved men.

– There, Inkku has been talking crap about Ellu in the women’s room, and Ellu got emotional. It said it was going to cause drama, so now that drama was finally brought to hand. Inkku feels that Ellu is controlling me, Nico opens up about Elmer’s feelings.

– Elmer started to accuse Inkku of speaking evil and that Inkku is really stubborn, Annika clarifies.

Inkku gets angry at men’s comments.

– Shut your mouth for once so I can say what I have to say! You don’t even listen to me, Inkku shouts to Elmer.

– He thinks I’m some kind of a jerk, even though I’m not a jerk. Happy New Year’s party… I’m the fucking bad guy, says Inkku with tears in his eyes.

Nico, on the other hand, is sulking.

– Quite a drama was created. It’s really nice, I even enjoyed it a bit.

Sami Kuronen hopes that the stunt couples would leave the island as a couple.
