Tired of so much mess | Article by Emma Riverola on the municipal and general elections of 23J

The pandemic scars, techno-stress, precariousness, the uncertain future… Reality weighs and there are no utopias that lift us two feet off the ground. There is a certain collective fatigue that finds different ways to show itself. Also in the recent election result.

Voter fatigue to the left of PSOEfed up with fighting in the mud, media messiahs laden with ashes and the Biblical punishment of disunity. Progressive voters in general are also exhausted, saturated with conflicts between partners, with devastating exercises such as ‘Only Yes is Yes’, with exhausting and alienating verbiage.

The right, shouting everything is wrong! and showing off a wad of simple recipes, it’s enticing. And when she does not promise a cane on a terrace -just when that is the most shared intimate longing- she waves Eta’s mummy. Finally, the same promise: put an end to the ‘mess’ of ‘sanchismo’ and its ‘bad’ partners. The right knows that the mess exhausts. The problem is that she is the mess: coexistence exploding through the air as promoted in Catalonia or the degradation of social achievements.

While the right promises order, the left shouts ‘fascism!’. As a political strategy it is sad, and it smacks of impotence. The tired citizen needs extra doses of energizers. ‘The Guardian’ states in its editorial that the Sánchez government “has a positive economic story to tell, since it overcame the energy crisis and inflationary pressures better than most& rdquor;. Reduction in unemployment, revaluation of pensions, rise in the minimum wage, ertes covid, decrease in tension… Do we remember the painful days of Rajoy?

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In a Catalonia exhausted after the ‘procesista’ cyclone, Salvador Illa’s balm has prevailed. Many independentistas did not have the courage to vote. The increase in abstention punished those who lead the landing of the ‘procés’ and rewarded the aroma of the Pactista Convergència. Despite this, together commitment to Míriam Nogueras and Oriol Junqueras redoubles his attacks on PSC. The illustrious strategists of ‘món ens mira’ ride again.

There is a certain collective fatigue. And homeland politics doesn’t help. There is an important -fundamental- part of the citizenry that avoids political analysis. A bulk of the population that is moved by emotions. Social and economic achievements can become a source of joy and pride. The darkness of Vox, the tension of the PP and its recipes for austerity are the sadness that it aspires to govern. The mess must change sides.
