
I had an article about carpe diem for today. A hymn to life for being the beginning of the year. But it is impossible after the closure of murdered by machismo in December. Because there are hundreds of women in this country who, just, neither can nor let them live. If the murdered of the month were politicians, athletes or with social relevance, this country would be filled with demonstrations and all the newspapers would open to five columns. But they can already kill a thousand women that society will pass by. Not a trending topic. Because if, since 2003 they have already killed 1181. There was not even a mention of them in the balance of the President of the Government. He did not stop thinking about how the mistreated must live these terrible days. I am tired of this continuing on the pages of events, that in political gatherings people express their opinions without knowing. Tired of the tweet of condolences from politicians with the usual words. Tired of writing column after column about this, to remember that it is the most urgent issue on the feminist agenda because they kill us, but that it is always secondary. Tired of the fact that we know about the risk of the holidays for them and protection reinforcements are not foreseen before, not now. Tired of hearing that they study the failures and they repeat themselves. Tired of being blamed on each other. Tired of receiving every day messages from women asking for help because the system fails them. Tired of the fact that if judges, public defenders, assistants, meeting points or media are pointed out, they respond offended instead of improving. Tired of the fact that neither prevention nor education are a priority. In January 2023, the murder counter is reset to zero. But those murdered weigh on an impassive society. We tell them to report and the State is not always up to the task. No one brings those women back to life. Not them, not their orphaned sons and daughters, not their broken families. 2023 begins and some will be the first murdered. That hard, but harder is that it repeats itself every year and can be avoided.

Keep reading….
