Tips! You should do this if you find baby birds or ducklings

The baby season has been going on for a while now. Many eggs hatch and everywhere you see little chicks and young birds. Unfortunately, baby birds come in often enough bird shelter De Wulp in The Hague. But what should you actually do when you find a nestling?

If you come across a bald chick, you can search for the nest and put the animal back. Is the animal injured or do you not see a nest or parents? Then first provide heat, according to bird shelter De Wulp and the animal ambulance. Place the baby bird in a box with air holes or cover the bird with a box. Warmth and no stress increase the chance of survival And call the bird shelter or the animal ambulance.

Intensive care

You can keep a baby bird warm in, for example, a shoe box with a jug or bottle of warm water. Put the lid on and the heat will remain in the box. The birds have a body temperature of 40 degrees.

The shelter then advises not to feed the animal, but to bring it to the shelter as soon as possible. You can also contact them by phone first. The care for a baby bird is very intensive and must be done accurately. At De Wulp they know how to do that.

Don’t keep yourself

People also sometimes find baby ducks during this time. Some decide, with all good intentions, to keep it for themselves. The ducks are of course very cute, but the consequences of keeping them yourself are often dramatic.

Ducks need their peers to learn ‘their language’. An animal raised with humans will later have great difficulty adapting, behaves abnormally and has a high chance of being excluded by the other ducks.

It is also forbidden by law to keep ducks. The Curlew therefore warns: Do not begin, not even for one day. “Especially in the first few days you have to deal with imprint (a duckling that thinks it is human). Take an orphan to an orphanage. Precisely for the welfare of the animal.”

If you want to know more, you can too these tips reading from Dierenambulance The Hague / Zoetermeer.

Here’s a little look into our nursery 🙂

Posted by Bird shelter de Wulp on Monday, April 22, 2019
