Tips & Tricks: Get through security faster and more relaxed at the airport

Hardly anything challenges your patience as much as the security check at the airport. With these ten tips and tricks you can get through security more quickly – and not only do yourself a big favor, but also all other travelers.

If 60 people in line at security save just one minute each, that means a whole hour less waiting time for the travelers behind. With these ten easy-to-implement tricks, you not only save yourself from lengthy security checks, but also save all other passengers a lot of stress.

1. Pack your hand luggage correctly

Every airline has guidelines about which items can and cannot be carried in hand luggage. If you read these guidelines before your trip instead of waiting in line at security and pack your hand luggage accordingly, you will save yourself the follow-up check that security staff have to carry out if there are conspicuous items in your luggage. According to the aviation industry association BDL, liquids may only be transported in hand luggage in containers with a maximum capacity of 100 ml each and must be placed together in a transparent, resealable bag with a maximum capacity of one liter.

2. Keep calm and do not argue with security personnel

Sometimes there is an item in your luggage that is prohibited according to the guidelines of the respective airline or the BDL. In this case, there is no point in starting a discussion with the security staff: “But I need the item” or “I don’t have time for a follow-up check, my flight leaves in 20 minutes” only lead to a lengthy discussion in which the security staff will always have the last word – after all, that’s exactly her job. Such a discussion just wastes more time, including for all the other travelers in line.

3. Pick out the important items while waiting in line

When you arrive at the security gate, certain items must be placed in a tub before you and the bag are scanned in the gate. If you pay attention to the relevant signs in line and have the items in question ready to hand early on, you will save yourself and everyone else a lot of time.

4. Read signs!

You shouldn’t rely on the fact that you already know the rules from your last trip. Although most airlines require that jackets, keys, change, liquids and electronic devices be left out – the guidelines differ from airline to airline, and technological advances always mean different requirements. So before you habitually unpack too much, you should definitely read the signs with the relevant instructions so that you don’t waste a lot of time unnecessarily unpacking and packing.

5. The right clothing

If you want to avoid beeping when going through security, you can take the guidelines into account when choosing your clothing in the morning: items of clothing with lots of buckles or over-sized items can trigger the alarm, as can particularly thick fabrics or many layers. As Focus reports, sneakers are particularly check-in-friendly and have to be taken off less frequently during security checks than high-heeled shoes.

6. Have ID, boarding pass etc. ready

It is essential that you always have your ID or passport as well as your boarding pass (the flight ticket) ready. If you do everything right with your hand luggage, but then have to spend five minutes looking for your ID when going through security, you will lose valuable time on the way to the gate.

7. The right amount of luggage

The decision about choosing the right luggage usually has to be made when booking. It’s important to consider this: If it’s holiday time, the queues at the security checkpoint are often particularly long. Then it may be worth taking less hand luggage with you and checking in a larger piece of luggage instead. Picking up large pieces of luggage takes a lot of time when you arrive at your destination. Some airlines allow you to check in your luggage the evening before, saving you additional stress on the day of travel. Of course, this is only possible if you live near the airport.

8. Choose a queue with as many business people as possible

Business people usually travel more often than families, so they are more experienced in going through security and know how to get to the gate particularly quickly. It is therefore very likely that you will move fastest in a queue with many business people – even if it is longer than other queues. A tip for families traveling together: If you’re checking luggage anyway, not everyone needs their own hand luggage. Even one less piece of luggage can save a lot of time at security checks.

9. Book a security check time slot

At some airports, such as BER and Düsseldorf Airport, it is possible to book a time slot for the security check in advance. Anyone who does this can use a specially reserved security passage and usually has significantly shorter waiting times.

10. Arriving at the airport on time saves you a lot of stress

Often the security check at the airport is so nerve-wracking because the gate is closing soon and time is of the essence. If you plan enough time, you will not only be able to stay calm and go through the inspection more efficiently and therefore better organized, but you will also start your vacation much more relaxed. During the holiday season you should always arrive at the airport at least two and a half hours before departure.

Editorial team

Image sources: Markus Gann /, Yaroslav Astakhov /
