Tips to cool PlayStation, Xbox, Switch etc. in hot weather

Demanding titles, high temperatures or dirt – there are several reasons why game consoles overheat. TECHBOOK gives tips on how best to cool the PlayStation, Xbox, Nintendo Switch and other consoles.

Heat is harmful to all electronics, including game consoles. Consoles in particular make a lot of noise at high temperatures when the fan is running at full speed. If the internal ventilation systems no longer help, it is important to react quickly so that the device is not damaged. However, a few points should be noted. TECHBOOK explains how best to cool PlayStation, Xbox, Nintendo Switch and other consoles.

Reasons for too much heat in consoles

Everyone has probably experienced the fact that technical devices get hot during use. There can be several reasons for this. First of all, of course, the outside temperatures have an influence on the electronics. For example, if the thermometer climbs above 30 degrees in summer, it is not only tiring for the human body, but also for technology. Because this produces a lot of heat itself, which is then amplified by the sun’s rays.

Self-produced heat increases with the output provided. For example, smartphones heat up when many energy-consuming applications are running at the same time. Accordingly, game consoles run hot when users play a graphically particularly demanding game that requires high computing power, for example. Older consoles in particular can no longer cope well with the increased demands placed on games.

Devices such as the PlayStation, Xbox or even the Nintendo Switch therefore have a built-in fan to keep the temperature that normally arises during use in check and to prevent damage to the electronics. Defective fans or no way for the hot air to escape are therefore also common reasons for overheating. If the temperature rises above a certain limit, the console has to be cooled externally.

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How to cool a hot game console?

How much internal temperature a console can withstand depends on its performance and construction. Temperatures of 60 degrees Celsius are not uncommon within the devices; in exceptional cases, they can also rise to over 90 degrees. In the long run, such numbers are extremely damaging to electronics and housing. That’s why you can pay attention to a few things from the start to make the game console as comfortable as possible.

Optimal location

For the temperature, the location is primarily decisive. Is the console exposed to sunlight on a regular basis? Is she against a wall? Are there other electronic devices in the immediate vicinity? All of these factors are important, as is the material of the base the game console is placed on. Some substances store heat particularly well.

Therefore, make sure to place your PlayStation, Xbox or Nintendo Switch in as dark and cool a place as possible. However, not too cold, because even low temperatures are not beneficial for electronics. In addition, there should be no devices nearby that emit heat or restrict the ventilation of the console. Materials such as wood, cardboard or textiles are not recommended as a base. Their low density means they absorb and heat up a lot of heat instead of dissipating it.


As already mentioned, the ventilation of the game console is important so that no heat can accumulate inside. Therefore, on the one hand, make sure that the outer ventilation slots are always free.

On the other hand, dirt can also occur inside, for example from dust or animal hair, which makes the work of the fan more difficult. A PlayStation 4 or 5, for example, can be unscrewed without any problems and the dirt carefully removed, and the fan can even be replaced if it is outdated. This is also possible with the Xbox One or Series X without much know-how. You can also replace the fan on the Nintendo Switch, but this is a bit more complicated due to the small housing. In addition, any damage that occurs is no longer covered by the Manufacturer’s guarantee covered.

digital games

Physical discs generate more heat when gaming and also generate more noise. So if your console is running hot or it’s particularly hot outside, switch to digital gaming if possible.

Also interesting: How to best protect your smartphone from heat

Actively cool console

However, especially in summer when the outside temperatures are high, the preventive measures mentioned do not always help. Then PlayStation and Co. have to be actively cooled down. A simple but effective tool is a fan. Make sure that the airflow coming from the outside is aimed directly at the ventilation slots, but not so close and strong that the hot air is pushed back directly into the housing. It’s all about guiding them away from the game console as quickly as possible.

A cooling mat, such as those used for cats, can also help. These do not emit any cold, but rather absorb the heat of the object lying on them. There is no condensation of any kind. You can also temporarily use a normal cool pack or a cold pack. However, make sure to wrap a kitchen towel around it, for example, so that no liquid can get into the console. Also, don’t cool PlayStation, Xbox, and Nintendo Switch in this way for too long.

If it is hot, do not turn off the console immediately

If the game console is overheating and you can hear it blowing loudly, do not simply switch it off. Try to cool them as just described and end the current session if necessary. Then give the fan and any other measures some time to cool the console while it is switched on. Because the fans transport the hot air inside most efficiently to the outside.

If your console is regularly too hot, regardless of location and outside temperature, it may simply be due to outdated technology. The performance of an older device is often no longer sufficient, especially for new top-class titles.
