Tips for swimming this summer without getting injured

08/12/2022 at 09:15


Practicing swimming involves a very global muscular action, working on strength and reducing cardiovascular risk and being overweight, among other benefits

Vacations and dips are united for most people, whether in the sea or in swimming pools.

Both for the lucky ones who are still on vacation and for those who are already back, the Professional College of Physiotherapists of the Community of Madrid (CPFCM) recommend taking advantage of the summer period to go one step further and practice swimming in a healthy way.

This will help relieve various ailments and it can serve as a way to exercise on a daily basis.

In fact, it is convenient keep this routine the rest of the year in indoor pools, if it is not possible to do it outdoors.

Because practicing swimming involves a very global muscular action, work on strength and reduce cardiovascular and overweight risk, among other benefits.

Dismantling false myths

Although as the CPFCM points out, swimming is one of the most recommended sports and that it can be practiced at almost any age, it has a series of limitations in the face of certain ailments.

Certain respiratory infections, having a wound or pathology of the shoulder or knees must be taken into account when practicing swimming without injuring yourself.

Physiotherapy experts from Madrid also point out four myths around swimming to be disassembled:

  • Swimming is safe. Fake. Although it is true that recreational swimming does not require specific preparation, it is necessary to progress progressively to avoid injuries, as in any physical activity.
  • should not exceed sedentary lifestyle for the rest of the year to try to swim 40 lengths in an Olympic pool on the first day.

It is convenient to start with sessions, for example, of about 20 minutes and to increase the time of swimming day by day, depending on the physical form of each person.

  • low impact exercise. True, but with nuances. It is true that there is little impact on the osteoarticular system, compared to other sports such as running. In contrast, swimming for several hours each day has a significant impact, especially on areas such as the shoulder.

“This does not have to be harmful and the scientific evidence tells us that strength training is very positive. Once again, you have to move forward progressively,” he explains. Nestor Requejophysiotherapist member of the Governing Board of the CPFCM.

“You only have to take measures when you suffer from certain problems and pain appears in the acute phase; in that case, you have to stop and have a physiotherapist examine the situation. In almost all cases, you can return to exercise once that acute phase is over & rdquor ;, continues the expert.

  • The ideal technique. Another false myth, since there is no single technique (breaststroke, front crawl, backstroke…) that is suitable for everyone. It will depend on each person and their situation.
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“Those who suffer from certain pathologies have to observe some precautions when swimming and consult a physiotherapist. A poor choice of the style they use can aggravate their problem,” says Requejo.

  • swimming in the sea is bad. Fake. Swimming in salt water is not negative in itself, on the contrary, the level of salinity makes the body float better.

The technique will change a bit, to adjust to the movement of the water, greater than in the pool.

The most important thing in this case is safety. You have to have a lot of respect for the sea, not fear. If a person does not know a beach well, he has to find out about the currents and the depths. It is always better to swim parallel to the shore in shallow areas and on beaches where there is a surveillance service.

Breaststroke, backstroke, front crawl, which style to choose?

As a reference, Néstor Requejo warns about the most common musculoskeletal problems in four regions and what styles should be avoided in those cases:

  • low back pain. Avoid breaststroke, which requires sustained extension, and butterfly, due to forced lumbar extension.

If you have a lower back injury or they bother you, the best is the front crawl or back if they are recommended styles.

  • Cervical pain. In these cases, breaststroke and butterfly styles should be avoided, since the head is held in extension to get it out of the water. That causes tension on an area more sensitive to movement in this case.
  • shoulder pain. Avoid front crawl and backstroke. Here it is more advisable to do it breaststroke, with less impact on that area.
  • knee pain. As the kick that forces you to swim breaststroke requires a greater effort at the joint level, avoid this form. All other styles are supported.
Some guys jump into a pool. |

heating is essential

For those who have been starting swimming for days and want to do a more intense session, they should spend a few minutes doing a good advance preparation through joint mobility exercises, dynamic stretching and muscle activation work.

This will probably result in a lower risk of injury and greater enjoyment and use of the exercise session.
