Tip: participate in the Zoetermeer Sint Maarten lantern parade

Sint Maarten is celebrated by more and more Zoetermeer children. Often somewhere in the neighborhood, but from now on also in the historic center of the city. Participation is free.

For the first time, the Oude Kerk, Nicolaasparochie and several retailers are organizing Sint Maarten in the Dorpsstraat on Saturday, November 11. Sint Maarten is the day of sharing where children go door to door with lanterns and sing a song. The idea is that they will receive something tasty.

Lanterns on and off

All Zoetermeer residents are welcome on Saturday, November 11 from 4:30 PM in the Nicolaaskerk in Dorpsstraat (24). Here you can listen to the story about Sint Maarten and why we celebrate November 11. Songs are sung and then, around 5 p.m., the lantern parade begins. Participating residents and shopkeepers can receive a delicacy in exchange for a song. You can recognize the addresses by a burning lantern or lantern.

Hot chocolate afterwards

Everyone can warm up after the parade with a cup of hot chocolate at the Oude Kerk. A collection for the Zoetermeer Food Bank will also take place that evening at the Nicolaas Church. You can hand in non-perishable food that will then end up with fellow citizens who depend on the Food Bank.

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