Tino Martin still appears to be drunk

No matter how fast the lie, the truth catches up with it. How reliable are celebrities still if they suddenly admit everything after a long period of denial? Tino Martin is next…

© Videoland

How all celebrities hate it together: juice channels. ‘It’s all wrong!’, ‘They just throw every rumor online!’, and: ‘This is not journalism!’ But it is inevitable that more and more people are wondering who the unreliable party is here: the camp of celebrities or the guzzling juice channels?

Drunk Tino

Celebrities often shake their heads at the reporting of all those juice channels, but it has happened countless times that they have to come back from that later. The most famous example is of course André Hazes jr. A hard cocaine addiction? Well, just an ’emotional burnout!’ A year later: “It was just right. And that touches you.”

Tino Martin is now following in his footsteps. Despite countless videos of faltering performances in which he double-tongued, he continued to deny reports from juice channels about out-of-control drinking. And now he suddenly comes up with a Videoland documentary in which drinking is pretty much the main theme.

Two Tinos

According to Tino’s girlfriend, she actually has two men at home: Tino and Tino Martin. In other words: the sober and the drunk version. “I need about three seconds of image and then I know what time it is. The booze is literally everywhere. It’s just a pitfall,” she says in the new documentary.

And Tino on that: “This donkey has not bumped itself once, but say twelve times and that should not happen at all.”

Bit tricky

William Rutten says in Show news that he thinks it’s strange that Tino is suddenly so open-hearted. “Yes, that is very much in now, but I also think there is a risk involved, because if you sing out of tune, of course everyone will shout: oh, he’s drunk again! It’s okay tricky that he does this, but also very honestly.”

Colleague Anouk Smulders points to Tino’s numerous denials. “I must say that he has also joined Shownieuws a few times and that he has also been asked several times about these films, which we have seen several times. We all said, ‘Is he still okay?’”

Lying Martin

Tino has always denied. Anouk: “I can still very well remember the moment with Hélène Hendriks in HLF8 in September when she asked straight to the point: ‘What about it?’ He denied it, we also contacted management again, who also said: ‘It has to do with stress and a lot of work.’ And then this comes out.”

Actually, Tino also admits that he has been lying all this time. “You kind of confirm that what we saw and what we often talked about, was indeed the case.”


Lex Uiting mentions those lies RTL Boulevard also striking. “It is actually quite striking that he now admits this and that his girlfriend also admits what is going on, that he would like a drink, because before when there was such a video, the management always said: ‘No , nothing wrong. He was tired, he doesn’t drink, lalala.’ This is striking, yes.”

Colleague Eddy Zoëy: “It will be a separate USP (unique selling pointed.), of: does he come on stage drunk or not?”

Eddy himself also has a separate USP as a singer. In order to tolerate his songs, the audience must be drunk.
