Tino Martin removes massive criticism of Ahoy concert: ‘Lamble again!’

Tino Martin screwed his fans twice on Friday evening in Ahoy: not only did he give people with the most expensive tickets the right to get seats, he also seemed to be lame again. “What a shame.”

© Instagram, SBS

If Tino Martin goes sometime at the end of this century, the best thing they can do is put him underground in a huge vodka bottle. After all, his love for alcohol seems greater than his love for his craft: performing. He seemed to be completely exhausted on the Ahoy stage again on Friday evening and the criticism of him was really massive.

Wild reactions

You may wonder why you would even open your wallet to go to the male version of Bonnie St. Claire, but there are really people who paid 500 euros per ticket to be in Ahoy on Friday evening. These people with the most expensive tickets were in for an ugly surprise: they were seriously demoted.

Due to the disappointing enthusiasm, Tino decided to perform in the small hall of Ahoy and people with the most expensive tickets were randomly placed in a different place. What a sewing job. And then there’s the heater on stage… Tino’s Insta is really overflowing angry visitors; his censorship team can hardly compete with it.

Lamb on stage

Tino’s team does its best to delete all the angry comments immediately, but the tsunami of angry visitors doesn’t stop. “A nice drink beforehand again, Tino?” he says on his Insta. And: “If you wouldn’t have been lame on stage, it would probably have been a fun evening. Boozer!”

Sylvana points out that Tino said during the concert: ‘Ziggo let yourself be heard!’ shouted while he was standing in Ahoy and not in the Ziggo Dome. “Tino, I would go to rehab for a while and then just look for a job at a restaurant in your hometown, being an artist is much too ambitious for you.”

Arrogant jellyfish

It seems that fans are turning their backs on Tino en masse. “It’s ooooover, it’s over and over!!!!! What a shitty concert! You should go back to Aunt Roosje and shout, because you can’t sing anymore, you arrogant jellyfish!”

Yvonne Coldeweijer thinks that Tino was not in his right mind. “A spy had the feeling that Tino was as fed up as a monkey again. No emotion in his face, eyes at half past ten, just shouting for the audience to sing along. It came across as if he didn’t feel like it at all. Bizarre!”

Remove furiously

It’s really lame that Tino deletes all those negative comments, Yvonne thinks. A spy says: “Paid 500 euros for platinum seats and then get this. Well he needs to shorten his lines a bit! Literally and figuratively. And then delete all comments, both from me and from my father.”

Yvonne: “This is really not possible.”
