Tino Martin refuses to respond to flop concert: ‘Blemish on career’

Tino Martin refuses to be held accountable for his flop concert in Ahoy. A weakness, says Private Boss Evert Santegoeds. “This is just another blemish on his career.”

© Videoland

What courage: Tino Martin makes his fans pay deep pockets for his concert tickets, then leaves them with mediocre places and then apparently stands paralyzed on stage. What’s going on with this guy? His own Instagram page is overflowing with negative reactions and his censorship team is barely managing to keep up.

Litigation fans?

Private boss Evert Santegoeds finds it significant that Tino shouted in a full Ahoy: ‘Ziggo, make yourself heard!’ At such a moment, all masks really come off, he says Show news: “It seemed like he didn’t know he was standing there, the fans were very dissatisfied, the sound was bad. Did he have another drink himself?”

People with expensive tickets are especially furious, because Tino had moved to the small hall and they were given different places at random. “These people complain en masse and also threaten lawyers. He wasn’t quite there with his thoughts and a lot of fans noticed that, who also complained about it en masse today on Insta.”

Censorship team

Evert thinks it’s lame that Tino’s team is so busy removing negative comments. “The reactions that are very negative are immediately removed from Instagram by Tino’s team. We tried to get him today. Well, that turned out to be absolutely impossible. But yes, of course it is a hangover after such a very big event.”

It just looks like drunkenness again, Evert hints. “It depends a bit on Tino that the story is always that he has had too much before he gets on that stage. You also saw that in that Videoland documentary, that his girlfriend says: ‘Everywhere he goes, there are pitfalls.’”

Blemish on career

Tino is an ass, according to Evert. “He himself said: ‘A donkey generally does not hit the same stone twice, but I have hit myself twelve times.’ Whether or not it was the thirteenth remains to be seen, because the reactions are so horrible and so fanatically bad that it simply becomes a new stain on his career and he seems to be back at square one.”

Tino’s management acts as if their noses are bleeding: “We look back on a very successful evening. A small number of people are dissatisfied, which we naturally find very unfortunate. The vast majority of people had a great time and we have been inundated with positive responses. The people had a great evening!”


According to Evert, this is a typical case of bullshit. “Yes, well, that’s not what we saw when we followed Instagram and saw what was being taken away. People are very angry with Tino Martin and not for the first time.”
