Tinne Van der Straeten (Groen) state open to nuclear energy “as the sector of risk can be addressed” | Inland

Van der Straeten zei in maart al that there is still a plaats for nuclear energy. These benadrukte toen al that ze met an “open view” to the energy supply will be available. The aim is to have the best possible performance in the nuclear centers of Doel 4 and Tihange 3 in 2035, but also in the eventual construction of SMRs (smaller, more suitable and more flexible nuclear reactors that are available on paper).

In principle lays the wet on the kernuitstap – a crown jewel of the green – from 2003 real nog oldijd de definitive Belgian exit from nuclear energy vast, maar as the nuclear industry “weet hoe ze de risico’s moeten beheren, en ze niet afwentelen op de Belgian seedleving “You can still think of it differently. “Nuclear reactors need to be flexible and economically viable, and have a good supply of producers,” says Zegt in the Franstalige krant.
