Tineke de Nooij (81) explodes with anger at daughter Linda de Mol

Tineke de Nooij (81) burst into anger during a telephone interview with Nieuwe Revu. The topic of conversation? Noa Vahle, the privileged daughter of Linda de Mol.

© SBS 6

Noa Vahle will always be bothered by the fact that she owes her TV career to her famous family. She may have talent, but, writes Nieuwe Revu: “Hundreds of other sports reporters who do not have John de Mol as an uncle also possess those qualities. However, there is only room for a handful of lucky birds on the shield.”

‘Piss off!’

And Noa is also such a lucky guy. When the magazine calls a round of celebrities to gauge opinions about the sports reporter, Tineke de Nooij, among others, answers. She was the first female disc jockey in our country.

It is not clear whether Tineke had a bad day, but when the journalist on duty mentions the word ‘wheelbarrow’, the presenter immediately ignites in anger. It’s really kind of an explosion and that’s risky at 81 years old. “Get off with your wheelbarrow story, say! What are we getting now?” she yells.

“Fancied, furious!”

huh? Is this serious? Yes, Tineke really goes wild. “I can get angry about that. Furious, even. Furious! That child achieves everything on her own talent. I am really excited here.”

Tineke is done with the constant criticism of Noa. “Having a well-known parent only gives her misery. Especially with all the bugger her mother is in now. Moreover, it is very difficult to get rid of such a stamp.”

Then she hangs up.

‘Another bitch’

Oh dear, that promises something when the next TV retiree turns up at Revu: Catherine Keyl. She appears to be able to answer calmly. “In the beginning I thought: Phew, another chick who gets a chance because she happens to be from that family,” she confesses.

She has since returned to it. “She is 200 percent good and (…) is whole down to earth stayed. No attitude, just tackle and go.”


Noa and her cousin:
