Tinder Matchmaker: This is what the new function of the dating app can do

Tinder is considered one of the most popular dating apps in this country. Now the company has rolled out a new function. If you are unsure about your potential match, you can ask family and friends for their opinion.

Many couples have been set up by friends. When looking for a suitable date, friends and family members can now also give their recommendations on Tinder to find “true love”. “Tinder Matchmaker” enables friends to evaluate potential candidates.

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“Tinder Matchmaker” recently became available

The new function of the dating app was launched in 15 countries – including Germany, India and the United States, writes Tinder on its website website. “Tinder Matchmaker” will be available worldwide in the coming months. The new function was rolled out, among other things, after a Tinder survey in which around 75 percent of those surveyed said that they would talk to friends about their dating life several times. For the promo, Tinder brought in the American rapper Coi Leray, who humorously introduces the new function in a video.

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This is how the new Tinder feature works

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Users of the dating app can start a session and send a link to up to 15 contacts. Confidants can view profiles of potential candidates within 24 hours and recommend them to others. A profile is not necessarily necessary to evaluate the potential match. Respondents can also log in as a guest. Once the session is over, the Tinder user who sent the link then sees the recommendations of their friends and family or the people surveyed.

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Could also be helpful with fake profiles

You can’t always identify fake profiles straight away. It is usually helpful if someone else keeps an eye on it. When friends and family make recommendations, users may take a closer look at potential matches and not blindly swipe right and like every Tinder member. TECHBOOK also has some tips on how to recognize fake profiles on Tinder. But no matter what match recommendations the respondents give, in the end it is of course the user who decides whether to swipe right or left.

With material from dpa
