Tina Turner leaves behind a huge fortune

Tina Turner’s assets are estimated to be considerable.

Tina Turner is gone. PDO

Tina Turner, who passed away yesterday, had a decades-long career that spawned a huge fortune for the musician. Turner’s assets are thought to be worth hundreds of millions of euros. According to some estimates, Turner’s assets measured in euros would be around 232 million. Assets consist of many different things, such as real estate.

Turner lived in Switzerland with her husband Erwin Bach in a luxurious mansion, where the star also died. In addition, they used a mansion on the shore of a Swiss lake with 10 other buildings as their weekend home.

So far, there is no information on how the inheritance will be divided.

Turner had two biological sons Ronnie Turner and Craig Turner. Craig passed away in 2018 and Ronnie at the end of last year. Turner also adopted her ex-husband Ike Turner’s two sons, Ike Jr. Turner and by Michael Turner. Ike died in 2007 from a cocaine overdose.

Tina Turner adopted the sons of her former partner Ike Turner. PDO

Among Turner’s most famous songs were Proud Mary and What’s Love Got to Do With It. He won eight Grammy Awards during his career.

Turner passed away on May 24 at his home in Switzerland. The singer suffered from serious health problems in her last years. These included, among others, cancer and kidney failure.

Tina Turner passed away at the age of 83.
