Tina Nijkamp finds the environment of André Hazes Jr. very servile

Tina Nijkamp finds André Hazes Jr.’s environment very slavish. They seem to have no problem at all with the folk singer being the center of attention. “Very serving.”

© Videoland, NPO

André Hazes Jr. is always about himself. Me, myself and I. He never stops talking about his own psyche; in every interview he pretends to be lying on the psychiatrist’s couch. If only he was lying there once, because it is clear to the entire outside world that his narcissism is only increasing. Who will stop this?

I i i

Certainly not his environment, thinks TV expert Tina Nijkamp. She watched the season opener of his soap opera and continues to be amazed by it. “Every sentence also starts with ‘I’ in this series,” she writes Telegraph column.

That Hazes soap is really repetitive, Tina thinks. She’s really starting to notice that you can now turn it into a bingo card. ‘I didn’t handle this well’, ‘really so happy about it’, ‘extremely nervous’ and ‘Monique is the love of my life’: she hears it all repeatedly.

Very slavish

Tina especially does not understand André’s environment, which is very slavishly absorbed in his world. His cousin Djarno Hofland, for example. Or Monique Westenberg of course, who simply allows herself to be used as a teeter-totter. “Just like with the previous docuseries, I mainly felt sorry for André, but also for his environment,” Tina writes.

She continues: “The people closest to him focus their entire lives around André. Cousin Djarno and girlfriend Monique in front. Everything must give way, as long as André gets it right. Very serving. Does André ever ask them a question?”


Probably not. According to Tina, it would be a lot healthier to take André out of the spotlight. “Wouldn’t André be much happier if he did something completely different from his father? Study a subject?”

It would certainly help him, Tina decides. “Life as a singer seems especially difficult for André.”
