Timo won the competing woman’s side

Timo rejoiced at the rose ceremony, Tuomas was disappointed. INCLUDES PLOT DISCOVERIES.

There will be a whole new tweet at the Rose Ceremony this season. MTV

Of the two bachelors right out of the box Timoon enamored Henna set off with feelings of doubt about the rose ceremony.

He had regretted his sight when he saw it from the window Sonjan and Timo’s tender moments by the pool.

Before the rose ceremony, Henna raffled off whether to go talk to Timo or not.

– I would have that kind of poem for him, he revealed to the other women.

These encouraged him to talk.

Henna told Timo directly that she had been harassed. However, the woman dared to dig up the poem she had written.

– This shows courage. I appreciate it insanely, Timo comments.

The poem impressed the man.

– Henna has shown me the most care and interest, she brought to the cameras.

The Rose Ceremony experienced a surprising moment when Tuomas wanted to give a rose to Henna.

– I’m sorry, but I can’t take a rose.

– We have a slippery thing, but there are more friendly feelings, Henna explained the packages to Tuomas.

Timo, on the other hand, received a rose from Timo.

– Henna refused Tuomas’ rose, which means that she is completely focused on me, Timo rejoiced at the cameras.

Bachelor 2022 on Tuesdays on MTV3 at 9 p.m. Bachelor: After the rose right after the episode. See all TV programs and broadcast times in Telku’s TV guide.
