Timmermans and Yesilgöz do not see anything in a minority cabinet

Timmermans and Yesilgöz do not see anything in a minority cabinet

A minority cabinet does not seem like a good idea to GroenLinks-PvdA leader Frans Timmermans. He said this in an interview on Saturday Fidelity. Timmermans thinks that a stable majority is needed in the House of Representatives “if you want to chart a fixed course that can put the country on a better track in several years.”

Dilan Yesilgöz also does not like a minority cabinet. “It is not my preference,” she said on Friday evening in the TV program Op1. According to the VVD leader, it is already “tough and hard” if a government does not have a majority in the Senate, as was the case with the Rutte IV cabinet, and a minority cabinet is also not efficient. She does not want to rule it out, but would rather see “a solid cabinet, a majority cabinet that can also provide stability.”

Pieter Omtzigt, party leader of the New Social Contract, has repeatedly said that he is interested in a minority cabinet. According to him, this gives parliament more influence.

Frans Timmermans (GroenLinks-PvdA) and Dilan Yesilgoz (VVD) prior to the RTL election debate. Photo Sem van der Wal/ANP

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This blog will follow NRC the political developments in the run-up to the House of Representatives elections on November 22. Read our previous blog here.
