Time and space under construction

★★★★ Although the genesis dates back to 2019, ‘Algo inútil’ materialized in a post-pandemic context, in the urgency and celebration of this reunion between creators and artists. In his debut at the Teatro Cervantes, the Argentine Gustavo Lesgart exhibited this work created especially for the Compañía Nacional de Danza Contemporánea, which revealed a product tailored to the cast. Nine dancers were the translators of Lesgart’s speech, who for an hour played with the juxtaposition of variables such as time, object, body and matter

Dancer, choreographer and teacher, Lesgart’s career is now in its third decade. His style and his words are based on a particular poetics that uses recognizable elements and aesthetics of his personality. In ‘Algo inútil’, there is a ‘crescendo’ that goes from the evolution of bodies in motion, towards the interaction with different wooden elements that successively covers the concepts of line, plane and volume, through the use of manipulated strips and plates by the dancers, which culminate in corporeal spatial constructions. Temporary work is also notable, with a marked development towards final delinquency.

The scenic proposal is completed with a sober and functional wardrobe, and the immersive music of Erico Schick.

“Dance is made of matter. The body listens. And dances. Dance is a way to return there: the body is one more thing among things”, in this way the choreographer conceptualizes this work identifying his personality, which the CNDC put imp

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