Tim Summer Hits and Battiti live, which is the best music festival?

P.rhyme was alone Festivalbar. Now they contend for it Tim Summer Hits on Rai 2 And Live beats on Italy 1. Summer, which means music on vacation, this year is bringing music to TV too. Both broadcasts are on the hunt for summer hits (Tribal by Elodie, for example).

But the big news is the opening (which is actually a return) Rai to summer music on the small screen. Certainly the dispute on the summer music front between public TV and the Biscione is now open.

Tim Summer Hitsthe great news of Rai

Tim Summer Hits it’s a new transmission (curiosity: it does not even have a Wikipedia page yet) which proposes a consolidated format: a traveling series of concerts.

Leading are two pop characters, passionate about music: Stefano De Martino and Andrea Delogu. It goes on the air at 21.20 on Rai 2 from 30 June, for six episodes, every Thursday (except July 21). Then there is a special “the best of” which should be broadcast the following week. The episodes (recorded between the end of June and the beginning of July) take place in three locations (two in each location): Rome in Piazza del Popolo, Trieste a Portopiccolo Sistiana and on the Romagna Riviera a Rimini. You can also hear them on Rai Radio 2 e Radio Italy.

Stefano De Martino and Andrea Delogu, hosts of “Tim Summer Hits”, on Rai 2. (Courtesy press office Goigest)

Live beats a certainty

Then, there is Live beats a tradition now for Italy 1 that airs it in the summer for 19 years. The format is always the same: a series of traveling concerts which, in five evenings, all take place in Puglia, between Bari, Gallipoli and Trani (Here too, the episodes are recorded, starting from mid-June, live on Radio Norba and Tele Norbabroadcasters covering a large part of Southern Italy).

On Italy 1 Live beats it goes aired on Tuesdays, from July 5th at 9.20pm (e streaming on Mediaset Infinity). Conductors confirmed: Alan Palmieri (it is in its 13th edition) ed Elisabetta Gregoraci, at the helm of the show for six years. The results of the first episode that recorded on were good 12.3% share, with peaks above 21% reaching over two million viewers.

Alan Palmieri and Elisabetta Gregoraci lead the first episode of “Battiti Live”. (Mediaset)

Summer music on TV was only Mediaset. Now it is also Rai

Summer music on TV has always been a Mediaset prerogative which, first with the Festivalbar (broadcast for 24 years until 2007, between Canale 5 and Italia 1), then with Coca Cola Summer Festival (for five years between 2013 and 2018 on Canale 5) and with Live beatshas always tried to attract young audiences.

Rai, on the other hand, abandoned summer music in 1982, after broadcasting the first editions of the Festivalbar on Rai 2. Now, however, the change of course with Tim Summer Hits which bodes well for ratings (the first episode reached 12 percent share).

Marco Mengoni at Tim Summer Hits. (Getty Images)

But there are differences between Tim Summer Hits And Live beats?

So what are the differences between Tim Summer Hits And Live beats? Difficult to indicate them clearly since in both cases they are concerts. The artists are especially noteworthy that stir up the public and unleash those on vacation. But the artists are often the same ones who are on the Rai stage one evening, the following evening they move to the Mediaset stage.

These are the most popular names of the moment: da Elodie that ignites to look and voice with Tribalto Fedez, Tananai and Mara Sattei that are popular in hits with The sweet life. And there are Alessandra Amoroso, The Kolors, Baby K, Madame, Achille Lauro, Boomdabash, Francesco Gabbani, Francesco Renga, Marco Mengoni. Similar guests too (Alvaro Soler for instance)

However Live beats it seems more focused on new trends since it hosts also the whole rap world that is being imposed by Rhove to Rkomi, Dargen D’Amico.

While Tim Summer Hitsin addition to hosting emerging young people, it also winks at music more “traditional” having exclusive for example Umberto Tozzi And Biagio Antonacci. Among those present only on the Rai stage, we point out, Mika, Elisa and Blancothe latter exploded by winning the last Sanremo with Mahmood.

Fedez at “Battiti Live”. (Getty Images)

The presenters: De Martino-Delogu on Rai, Palmieri-Gregoraci on Mediaset

The main difference should be the conductors: De Martino-Delogu they are both considered “top” (Rai has confirmed the broadcast for Delogu in the next programming Toned and for De Martino Stella Barplus he assigned the new program Sing Sing Sing).

In the Mediaset couple Palmieri-Gregoraci – supported in links from Mariasole Pollio – he is considered super competent (he is also the artistic director of the program), having grown up in the world of music, she shares instead. It is much loved by many, much criticized by others. Maybe she pays the price of being Flavio Briatore’s wifemuch loved, but also very hated.

That said, brio or a particular twist that marks the difference between the two couples honestly can’t be seen. Both (so far at least) are composed and prepared. To get noticed is Gregoraci for his flamboyant style (his yellow dress from the first episode attracted attention almost more than the singers) and for some gaffes, like about Alvaro Soler who he called Soleil (former protagonist of the Gf Vip). And social media immediately massacred it. But here the music has nothing to do with it.

