‘Tim Hofman has no humor at all, takes himself too seriously’

Tim Hofman is completely slammed in the podcast of format developer Kirsten Jan van Nieuwenhuijzen. He finds the presenter completely humorless. “You shouldn’t take yourself so seriously.”

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Kirsten Jan van Nieuwenhuijzen, who once started his career as one of the first four creatives of John de Mol, has it in the latest episode of his podcast Content Wars about the fact that the College Tour interview program isn’t such a hit anymore. According to the format developer, this is due to inviting guests like Tim.

‘It’s a bit over’

College Tour was once the stage for international guests such as Desmond Tutu, Louis Theroux and Bill Gates. That the interview program of Twan Huys nowadays has to make do with names like Tim Hofman, according to Kirsten Jan is a sign on the wall. “It’s a bit over, isn’t it?” he says.

Kirsten Jan thinks College Tour is passé. “I notice that I am a bit done with it and I am not alone, because I think it is hardly watched anymore. You may wonder if there are really any guests you are going to look for. Tim Hofman was of course there a few episodes ago and that only had something like 400,000 viewers.”

jesus complex

Such a Tim is therefore not a crowd puller, Kirsten Jan sneezes. “In the past it sometimes went into the million. The last episode only 200,000 viewers. Yes, for such a program that is of course far too little. I think the guests are just not appealing enough.”

Kirsten Jan herself does not feel like watching Tim for an hour. “Tim Hofman of course has a bit of the Jesus complex and very little humor. It’s hard to watch that all the time. Sometimes you would think: you shouldn’t take yourself so seriously.”


No, he’s not a fan of Tim. “A boy who, of course, makes very good TV with BOOS and who really is a new kind of ombudsman for young people, but yes… It’s not that you think: I’m going to watch Tim Hofman for an hour. That doesn’t make me very happy either if I’m very honest.”

Tim Hofman was the first guest in the current series of College Tour at the end of April. Then the Ukrainian singer Jamala and Pieter Omtzigt joined. Ireen Wüst will be our guest next Sunday, the following week ECB President Christine Lagarde.
