‘Tim Hofman exaggerates about near-murder, makes a lot of show about it’

Tim Hofman is really showing off his status as an endangered media maker, says Evert Santegoeds. “I can’t help but get the impression that he finds it all very interesting.”


It made a big impression on Tim Hofman: a rather distracted man came to the BNNVARA building in September with a converted gas pistol, where he shouted at a security guard that he wanted to shoot the presenter. Tim was not present in the building at the time and the man was arrested shortly afterwards.

Evert critical

After that incident, Tim was absent from the hospital for a long time socials and he has now given countless interviews about it. “He has not been left behind, I heard him say yesterday,” says Telegraaf reporter Jordi Versteegden in the podcast Strictly Private.

Colleague Evert Santegoeds, editor-in-chief of Privé, thinks that is exaggerated. “If you look at it in detail, what actually happened there? Someone who comes in like (puts on a dazed voice, ed.): ‘Oh, I’m coming for Tim Hofman…’ Yes, of course he is very off track.”

No danger

It’s all being milked to excess by Tim, the magazine maker thinks. “If you hand over your gun to the doorman, then I think: Tim, entire broadcasts, endless interviews, also in newspapers last week.”

He continues: “Secondly, it is of course just a very unpleasant incident, he was not in danger for a moment and it would not have received much attention if it had happened in someone’s normal office, if it had not been Tim Hofman.”

Police button

Jordi wonders whether Evert is not downplaying it too much. “At the same time, the police have given him a police button with which he can press a button anywhere and everywhere.”

Evert cynically: “Yes, we all need to know that too. It’s also a bit… I can’t help but get the impression that he also finds it all very interesting.”

‘Do not know’

It has all been very much blown out of proportion, Evert thinks. “Someone came into an office where he was not and said some things that indeed sound very dangerous, but he gave his own gun to the doorman. So yeah, I don’t know…”
