Tim Hofman does not want to talk to ‘rapist’ Maxime Meiland

Tim Hofman was approached by the man accused of rape by Maxime Meiland, but he did not want to make an item about it. “Unfortunately, they didn’t see anything in it.”

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Maxime Meiland claims that she was raped at the age of 15 by a ‘former prisoner’, but he tells his story in the latest Story and states that the reality star is spreading the word out of spite. He emphasizes that he was exactly the same age at the time, that there was no coercion and that she sat on top of him because he had so little experience.

Tim refuses

The man experiences the fact that Maxime keeps shouting this everywhere as harmful and that is why he is now telling his story in a big, but anonymous way. Story. “I never shouted from the rooftops that Maxime was talking about me and that I was innocent. But I think the time is now right to tell my side of the story,” he explains.

He actually wanted to talk to Tim Hofman. “A few months ago I also approached the editors of BOOS by Tim Hofman, because I was really angry. But they saw no point in letting my side of the story be told. Then I left it until Story approached me.”

Very difficult

Why is he so eager to tell his story now? “I find it all very difficult. I’m not looking forward to this, but I just have to tell my story. At the same time, this may hurt the women who have been raped. I think that’s the worst. That people now think: oh, so there are also women who make up rape.”

He concludes: “But I can’t live with the fact that she told all this about me. I just can’t let that pass me by. I was an easy victim because I was in juvenile detention. It’s time for people to know this story is made up.”
