Tim Hofman criticizes ‘expensive’ Albert Heijn but has no bonus card

Tim Hofman has caused a lot of commotion with his tweet complaining about ‘expensive’ groceries at Albert Heijn. Now, however, the NPO presenter admits that he does not even use a bonus card.


Tim Hofman’s complaining tweet about his expensive groceries at Albert Heijn has caused a lot of controversy. The photo of his full shopping bag worth 102 euros has been viewed no less than 1.6 million times (!). He responded to statements by the Ahold CEO that it is not too bad with the increased prices.

Lost receipt

Tim was accused by critics of populism, mainly because he would not say what exactly was in that shopping bag. At first he didn’t want to share the receipt because he didn’t feel like it, later because the receipt was lost. “Even if I walk out with two Appie bags, I never pay that much,” said one John.

Thom: “What a populist bullshit without proper insight.”

And another: “Well, then you must have had some caviar or smoked salmon at the bottom, Tim…”

No bonus card

It is of course also possible that Tim has taken all offers, but has forgotten to scan his bonus card. At least, someone who complains about the prices of groceries pays attention to the little ones, right?

Well, not Tim. He doesn’t even have a bonus card. “I don’t actually use it” he confesses when asked. “Only if cashiers have a card or if one is near the scanner.”


It is very surprising. Rolf: “So you complain about the high prices, but in the meantime you ignore 15 to 20 percent bonus discounts? Foreign.”

Peter: “Not using a bonus card is of course fine Tim, but then you shouldn’t complain about too high prices. That just can not be.”

And Gert thinks it’s conceited behavior: “You are a privileged person if you can afford to simply ignore discounts via the bonus card.”


Tim’s message tweets:
