Tim Hofman brothers slaughter Yvonne Coldeweijer: ‘She’s crazy!’

Sam and Rijk Hofman, the untamed brothers of NPO greatness Tim Hofman, open the attack on Yvonne Coldeweijer. The gentlemen believe that her reporting is highly unreliable.

© Instagram, RTL

The Tim Hofman brothers Sam and Rijk are absolutely not a fan of Yvonne Coldeweijer. They think she’s a witch. “I really think she’s terrible,” Sam (Tim’s left) says in the podcast brothers. “She’s just crazy. Die Life of Yvonne… I got a dm from someone who said, ‘Yeah, that Life of Yvonne was talking about you on a gossip platform.’”

“What the f*ck!”

Sam immediately went to look. “I’m watching and then she had this gossip in a Telegram group or something and then she talked about some gossip that someone is participating in Holland’s Next and then she said all at once in between: ‘But Sam is also some paid to participate years ago.’ haha! She just makes up shit that suits her!”

His brother Rijk (Tim’s right) then teased: “Sam, wasn’t your annual salary for 2019 430 euros?”

Sam: “Yes. haha. What the f*ck!”

“It’s never right!”

Rijk thinks Yvonne is an unreliable girl. “I have to be honest: I’ve been on juice channels about 25 times now. Juice Channel is still kind of doing their best or something, Gossip Talk is also doing a bit of research, but that Life of Yvonne has never said anything about me that’s right!”

Sam: “No, not about me either. She just does something!”

Rijk: “But also not a small part of the story. Just nothing about the story is right all the time!”

Sam: “But how did she get this? She’s just really making shit up, isn’t she?”

Rijk: “Yes, she really makes up shit.”

Sam: “Just what she thinks could be.”

yellow jacket

Rijk: “But we’re talking about her again now, so it’s smart. With her you can really walk out with a yellow jacket and then it says…”

Sam: “’Sam Hofman spotted in a red coat. He is cheating on you!'”

Rijk: “What is that shit about cheating? I’m getting tired of that lately. How do people get all mad at someone if that person breaks a deal between her or him and the relationship?”

Sam: “What’s anyone else’s business?”

‘Weirdest ever!’

Rijk: “Yes, that’s the gossip, but getting really angry… That’s why you think someone is a c*t person. I think that’s the most bizarre thing ever.”

Sam: “Yeah, that’s really f*cking weird. Why the f*ck do people follow that?

Rijk: “Well, I get it about juice channels, but not hers. I also understand gossip, because they still have a sense of humour. That may or may not be your humor, but they have humor, so they have something to laugh about. You have something to watch, even if the gossip may not be entirely true.”

Incidentally, Yvonne announced an investigation into Tim Hofman last month. She says she gets the shivers from him.


The podcast Brothers in which Yvonne is slammed:
