Tim den Besten receives support from daughter Johan Derksen: ‘Not okay!’

Tim den Besten receives support from Marieke Derksen, the daughter of Johan Derksen. She thinks it is unfair how hard he is being treated for singing a traditional Sinterklaas song.

© RTL, Instagram

Tim den Besten’s life is currently turned upside down, because he sang to his good friend Nicolaas Veul during the live broadcast of the Canal Parade with a sentence from a traditional Sinterklaas song. “Sinterklaas, come in with your servant”, he sang. The VPRO star is accused of being a racist because he sang ‘servant’.

Marieke supports Tim

Although the AvroTros has also issued an extensive statement – ​​according to the broadcaster it was ‘unfortunate’ that black people appeared in the picture during Tim’s singing – the criticism continues. For example, the action group Kick-Out Zwarte Piet completely threw the presenter in front of the bus. Yesterday afternoon he was crying on NPO Radio 1.

Marieke Derksen, the daughter of Johan Derksen, feels sorry for him. “All this is not necessary, is it?” says the boss of hit publisher Inside. “That boy didn’t mean it wrong. That always searching for a bad intention, so tiring. If Tim den Besten no longer meets ‘woke’, who does?”


It is unbelievable that Tim is now called a racist by the community he thought he was part of, Marieke thinks. “I find the way in which an apology is almost enforced is worrisome,” she says. “I’m still a leftist and a feminist. But find the new left abhorrent.”

Tim is slaughtered by the diverse community for alleged racism, while the conservative community finds him a crybaby. “No, I don’t think it’s okay to laugh about Tim den Besten. I was shocked the first time too, when I got the hate. It’s really very destructive. Will destroy you.”

In shock

Marieke knows what it is to suddenly get a lot of hatred over you. “I understand Tim, I was in shock what kind of hatred I got because of a comment from my father. You have no idea, and then people look at you funny in the street. Very scary!”

One Tamarys remarks: “Marieke, this is a homemade cookie. He himself is just as woke. And yes, I have to laugh so hard to see him sweat like that. They are shooting themselves in the foot…”

Marieke then: “That’s right. But feel for him. Woke was about compassion, wasn’t it?”

Does she think Tim made a mistake? “Tim den Besten did nothing wrong in my eyes.”


Tim’s tears are grist to the mill of the conservative community. “Who is that Tim anyway? And what a bum, in tears for an innocent song!”, says politician Annabel Nanninga, for example.

PVV MP Martin Bosma: “We are switching to the left-wing madhouse. Presenter of NPO66 quotes Sinterklaas song. A serious crime! AvroTros releases official statement and apologizes.

Comedian Hans Teeuwen has now also made fun of Tim. He makes fun of Tim’s tears in a hold seven minute video. “You have blood on your hands!” he shouts to the presenter.

And Rob Goossens: “Jesus, what a poser. He didn’t kill a kid, he said something awkward, a lot of people are angry. Get over it!”


The fragment of the emotional Tim:
