Tim deliberately chose this school: ‘I have already made many new friends here’

Can your child cope with the VWO level in many subjects, but are there some that he or she would do better at HAVO level? Then is Picasso Lyceum really something for your teenager. Tim is in 2nd havo-vwo and explains why Picasso Lyceum is a great school for him.

“I am now taking seven subjects at pre-university level,” says Tim. “I find the languages ​​difficult. I now follow this at HAVO level.”

Focused on your interests

In addition to the regular classes, Tim has TOP class sports one afternoon a week. There he meets students of all levels who are all interested in sports. “You don’t have to be good at sports, as long as you enjoy it. While discovering new sports I have already made many new friends.”

Is your child going to school at Picasso Lyceum next year? Then there is great news: after the spring break there will be a private climbing wall with zip line!

Fun, educational and fun

Do you choose a TOP class? Then you will work one afternoon a week with a subject that really interests you. You learn new things and you discover each other’s talents. The fun and shared interest create an extra cozy atmosphere in the school.

Sometimes you also experience whether something suits you or not. This also applies to Tim: “I think I want to do something with sports in the future. I’m already training at the basketball club. In the upper years I choose the sports subject BSM, which means exercise, sport and society.”

Even more TOP classes

In addition to the TOP class sport, there is also a TOP class culture, ICT and science. Are you creative? Then you will feel completely at home in the TOP class culture. There you will be involved in performing arts, studio arts and graphic techniques. You will visit museums, meet artists and visit the theatre.

In the TOP class ICT you will discover even more about new technologies and software. For example, you learn to program robots for the First Lego League. Do you like experiments more? Then choose the TOP science class.

Discover Picasso Lyceum

Are you curious if Picasso is also the school for you? Come meet and sign up for a tour in February or March. You can now sign up for the coming school year

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